AWS GovCloud (US) Management Console - Onboard Tool

1Enter your access keys

Enter your access keys below and then click Next.
Note: Your keys are processed locally by JavaScript in your browser and are not sent or stored on any server.

* Required

AWS GovCloud (US) Management Console - Onboard Tool

2Create an Administrative User

Enter a password for the administrator, and then click Next. This user will be added to a group called "Administrators" that has full administrative access to the account.

Administrator * Required

AWS GovCloud (US) Management Console - Onboard Tool 2

3 Optional - AWS GovCloud (US) Account Alias

If you want the URL for your console sign-in page to contain your company name (or other friendly identifier) instead of your AWS GovCloud (US) account ID, create an alias for your AWS GovCloud (US) account ID, and then click Next.

If you do not want to create an alias, leave the field blank and click Next.

You can create, modify, or remove the account alias at any time using the IAM Console.

Note: Aliases must be unique in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region, so you must enter an alias that is not already in use.

AWS GovCloud (US) Management Console - Onboard Tool

4 Review and Complete

Please review the following entries and click Complete, or click Back to make changes.

Important: your initial root account keys (your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) will be rotated when you press Complete. It is a standard AWS security best practice to rotate these initial keys. After rotation, your initial keys will be deactivated and you will be able to download a new set of keys to use going forward.

***** Administrators Administrator *****

AWS GovCloud (US) Management Console - Onboard Tool


You are now ready to log in to the AWS GovCloud (US) Region Management Console!